USB Hard Drive Transfer Cable for Xbox 360 Slim

USB Hard Drive Transfer Cable for Xbox 360 Slim
USB Hard Drive Transfer Cable for Xbox 360 Slim
Disponibilità:Non Disponibile
Antes: 14,10€


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(0.200 Kg.)

Riceverete il vostro ordine entro 24 ore se lo si fa dal Lunedi al Giovedi prima del 18 pm o Venerdì prima di 13 ore(Penisola e Baleari posizioni 50 km dalla sede della delegazione del trasporto merci)Visualizzare le opzioni di

USB Hard Drive Transfer Cable for Xbox 360 Slim

Transfer in a easy and fast way the data from your hard disk of Xbox 360 Slim in you computer, laptops or normal. Includes a specific software to make the transfer of data, allowing accessing the information that you have, because you will have access to all info that you have at the hard disk.

So confortable in order to have backups of your profiles, saved games, and downloaded games

Note: Not compatible with Mac.